
Repair Station

FAA Repair Station #A03R334N with Class I Unlimited Mechanical Accessory and Class II Unlimited Electrical Accessory
We have capabilities to overhaul all corporate and airline level wheels and brakes. We have the capability to do non-destructive testing.
Capabilities List (Excel)
Capabilities List (PDF)
For pricing call 800-420-5349 or 951-272-5858 or send us a message
We have an electrical shop with capabilities to bench-test and repair Beechcraft T-6 electronics.
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FAA approved
Repair Station #A03R334N
Contact us with any questions.
If what you want is not on our capabilities list but is a repair or overhaul for any corporate/airline level wheels and brakes, please call to ask for more information and to see if we can repair or overhaul your parts.
Airmark International
A Division of AMACPI Corp
1771 Railroad St.
Corona, CA 92878